Faith currently supports seven pastors/seven churches, two widows and three orphans in Kenya, Africa. Faith is also currently helping one Pastor in Kenya build his Church building right beside a smaller building the Church is meeting in. Faith’s Good Samaritan Outreach ministry will continue to do for those in need ([Luk 14:13 KJV] 13 But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the maimed, the lame, the blind: “) what it can and periodically provide pictures/updates here. If the Lord puts it on your heart to help, make your check payable to “Faith Baptist Church” and put on the memo line, “Good Samaritan Outreach” and 100% of what you send will go directly to the need in Kenya. Yes, there are no fees or charges. We have a trusted lady (Mother of my friend, Pastor Peter Chege) who oversees help to the children and many people in need. Believe me, your help is greatly appreciated. Help us Help them! God bless. You can NEVER out-give the Lord! Here are some examples of the need/opportunity for you to be blessed:
May, 2020 (COVID-19)
-Thank you letter From Kiarie-
I trust that you are all well. Receive greetings from me and my family.
As always, the Lord Has kept us all safe. I praise Him deeply with much love.
As I had written you and Brother Peter earlier last month about a meeting I had with some leaders of my church, whereby we exchanged thoughts on how to best encourage our church folks during this trying times, we had no CLUE of what the Lord was about to do!! It was not until late last week, that brother Peter sent me a text message on my phone, letting me know that You, Brother Raye, would be sending me $100 to help assist our needy Church folks!!! And YES, I did get that money (28, 625/- . . . plus my regular monthly support) from Pastor Peter on Sunday evening.
This past Monday afternoon, I met with Deacons Steven & Alfred, plus 5 other members, and it was decided that we buy maize (corn) flour for our people.
7 bales, costing 1400 shillings each (totaling 9,800 shillings) were bought yesterday morning, and later in the day, our people (79 very, very needy ones) were given two kilos each of the maize flour. What a joy this was to these dear people!!
What can I say my friend!!! May the God almighty increase you all even in a greater way. May He keep you safe at these times of covid-19 pandemic. I appreciate on behalf of my family and the Lord’s church here all that you do for us to help us doing this noble task of spreading the glorious gospel of our Lord!.
Thank you always for your unwavering support that you send our way all the time . . . you are blessed!
Once again my dear brother . . . on behalf of my family, and that of my entire church folks at the Habari Njema Baptist, I sincerely, and with much love thank you all so, so much for this gift!!
Jan 30, 2015
Guardian Mary Wangari: I Mary Wangari, I have two kids named, Wanjiru Kingori and Paul Maina. Wanjiru Kingori: I wanjiru Kingori, I am in class seven. I would like to be helped with school uniform and school fees because we are asked to pay activity money, tuition, and money for the teachers who are employed by parents. I don’t have any clothes and shoes. I have a problem with my body. I am handicapped because my legs are weak. I would like to be taken to a special school. I am always taken to Kenyatta Hospital for clinic and my mom lacks fare to take me.
Paul Maina: I Paul Maina I am in class five. I would like to be helped with school fees and school uniform. I am asked to pay activity money and tuition money, and also for those teacher who are employed by the parents. I don’t have clothes and shoes. I don’t mattress and blankets.
Guardian: Faith Wacu
I faith Wacu, I have four kids John Chege, Joseph Karanja, Brace Wanjiru, Caroline Muthoni. I John Chege I’m in class eight in Mahianyu Primary. I would like to be helped with school uniform and school fees. Most of the times I’m at home because of school fees. I lack fees to all my homework and studies.
I Joseph Karanja, I am in class five. I would like to be helped with school fees and school uniform. I don’t have mattress and blankets.
I grace Wanjiru; I’m in class seven. I would like to be helped with school uniform and school fees because we are asked to pay activity money and tuition and also teachers who are employed by parents.
I Caroline Muthoni, I’m in class seven. I would like to be helped with school uniform and school fees because we are asked to pay activity money and tuition. Most of the time we sleep hungry.
Jan 30, 2015
Tabitha Waithira Muchuri:
I Tabitha Waithira Muchiri I have four kids named Lucy Wairimu, Thomas Njoroge, Peris Wangari, and Peter Wainaima.
Lucy Wairimu: I Lucy am in form three I she would like to be helped with school fees and school uniform
Thomas Njoroge: I Thomas Njoroge I am in class eight I would like to be helped with school uniform and fees because we are asked to pay activity money and tuition money.
Peris Wangari: I Paris Wangari I am in class five I would like to be helped with school fees and uniform we sleep hungry because we don’t have food.
Peter Wainaima: I Peter Wainuima, I am in class three I would like to be helped with school fees and uniform. We sleep hungry because we don’t have food.
Jan 30, 2015
Guardian: Grace Wairimus I have one child named Beatrice Nyambura. I Beatrice Nyambura I am in class six. I would like to be helped with school uniform and school fees because in school we are asked to pay the following activity and tuition money. We always pay teachers who are employed by parents. Mostly I sleep hungry because we don’t have food, and even breakfast. My mum is usually sick and goes to the clinic every month at Mathari Hospital. She lacks money to go because she takes medicine daily.
Please Attend the GSO’s 4th Annual Isaiah 58 Bless Others event:
--matching gift of $10,000.00
--annual gifts over the past three years: $20,000.00 per year
--PowerPoint to let you see the exciting blessings happening right now
--Special Challenge from Pastor G. Raye Jones
April 14th - special Africa Mission of Grace service at Africa Lighthouse Baptist Temple (Pastor Peter Chege); (meets at Green Brier Elementary School): 2:00—3:30 p.m. joint service. Music with Jay Daniels, Songs of the Faith